Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grilled Cheese!

Yes. My returning post--after more than a month--will be about grilled cheese.

As most college students know, this is one of the best college staples up there. It's even better than Ramen, because it's actually, you know, real food.

But lets get creative here! Grilled cheese sandwiches aren't just for cheese anymore.


tomatoes <---favorite! peppers turkey ham bacon grilled chicken (esp. barbecue!) scrambled egg ...and anything else you would put in a salad. I wouldn't know because I don't know you like that.

...and ya' done.

Extra points if you can squeeze the contents of all the major food groups on there. Should be easy, seeing how two are automatically taken care of.

Also, a grilled cheese sandwich alternative: quesadillas! Same rules apply.


マイルチャンピオンシップ said...

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グリー said...


副収入 said...
