Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Personal Prayer Book: A Must.

I don't know if I can stress this enough.

I'm one of those people who likes to compartmentalize my resources as much as possible. Whether I need some time for prayer and meditation or just a quick burst of faith, having an all-in-one lil' book is great for me.

Just get a little pretty journal, with or without lines, and jot down your favorite prayers, Psalms, and Bible passages, along with your prayer intentions and prayer lists. This works out a lot better than carrying around a Bible and a prayer book all the time, and it's certainly more convenient to have when you want to read a Psalm, a passage, and a troparion to a certain saint all in the same five minutes. It's certainly great for us students, since our textbooks compete for backpack space with our laptops enough as it is.

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